Living Metaphors

braving mountain – hopping in iron horse and driving up, slowly, carefully, ascending great heights passing signs of bear warnings, driving up into and across sleet / ice line, diving into fast paced environment much courage and bravery are required, or ignorance of where one is treading drifting off, wading through a field of others’Continue reading “Living Metaphors”

New Year provocative statement

Hello Blogging World,  Thank you for reading!  And of course this material, where appropriate, is copyrighted by M. Kirby Moore.  Please ask permission before reproducing any of it. At the Mani Drupchen, I had plenty of time to think about my New Year’s resolutions and my provocative statement to hold in my heart throughout thisContinue reading “New Year provocative statement”

Questions answered about Metta Reiki

This material is copyrighted by M. Kirby Moore.  Reproduction without permission is prohibited. Hello Readers, In this post, it is my intention to clarify what Metta Reiki is.  I hope you all do not mind a few plugs scattered here and there, but considering I am self-employed, in addition to maintaining an informative blog, thisContinue reading “Questions answered about Metta Reiki”

2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – completion

This material is copyrighted by Kirby Moore.  Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  To support my business and blogging efforts, please visit my website. More recently, I have begun teaching Astrology classes on Trauma-Informed Astrology, see for more! Thank you for visiting! In this post: the last day of the Drupchen, my final thoughts on theContinue reading “2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – completion”

2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – Day Seven plus

This material is copyrighted by Kirby Moore.  Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  To support my business and blogging efforts, please visit my website. More recently, I have begun teaching Astrology classes on Trauma-Informed Astrology, see for more! Thank you for visiting! This is a brief addition to the previous post – about the surprising eventContinue reading “2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – Day Seven plus”

2nd Annual Drupchen – Day Seven

This material is copyrighted by Kirby Moore.  Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  To support my business and blogging efforts, please visit my website. More recently, I have begun teaching Astrology classes on Trauma-Informed Astrology, see for more! Thank you for visiting! 1/1/10 – Happy New Year!  Hey Hey – we are in a new decade! Continue reading “2nd Annual Drupchen – Day Seven”

2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – Day Six

This material is copyrighted by Kirby Moore.  Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  To support my business and blogging efforts, please visit my website. More recently, I have begun teaching Astrology classes on Trauma-Informed Astrology, see for more! Thank you for visiting! 12/31 – early morning… I swallowed some irritation toward a fellow practitioner.  I needContinue reading “2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – Day Six”

2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – Day Five

This material is copyrighted by Kirby Moore.  Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  To support my business and blogging efforts, please visit my website. More recently, I have begun teaching Astrology classes on Trauma-Informed Astrology, see for more! Thank you for visiting! 12/30 – Fun with tormas!  Around 5 or 6 am every morning, the lamasContinue reading “2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – Day Five”

brief interlude from Mani Drupchen – about teachers and attitudes

This material is copyrighted by Kirby Moore.  Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  To support my business and blogging efforts, please visit my website. More recently, I have begun teaching Astrology classes on Trauma-Informed Astrology, see for more! Thank you for visiting! Recently, both during the Mani Drupchen and over the past few months, I haveContinue reading “brief interlude from Mani Drupchen – about teachers and attitudes”

2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – Day Four

This material is copyrighted by Kirby Moore.  Reproduction without permission is prohibited.  To support my business and blogging efforts, please visit my website. More recently, I have begun teaching Astrology classes on Trauma-Informed Astrology, see for more! Thank you for visiting! In this piece, you may notice that mind was beginning to peel apart asContinue reading “2nd Annual Mani Drupchen – Day Four”