Sacred experiences on Oahu, Hawaii

Hello Readers,

I am currently on my honeymoon in Hawaii! It is exciting, and fun, and great to see Hawaii through my wife’s eyes. I was born here on Oahu and spent many years growing up and then summers on the island as well. It has also been a lot of processing stuff as some of those early years were challenging for me. I am so grateful that I can discuss and get support from Jessica (my wife) around these things.

We recently went up to Waimea Valley, on Oahu, Hawaii. They have local (and Hawaiian) artisans in various spots as you walk up the valley. One Hawaiian man talked to us about how to weave Ti (Ki) leaves together into a rope or lei or hanging decoration. Then he started talking about the Hawaiian monarchy and how the Hawaiians have elected a secret king. It was interesting how open he was to discuss topics bordering on succession, but nothing new to Hawaii. He even mentioned that the U.S. owes Hawaii 130 years of rent and that there are cases before the Hague court about it.

I am mentioning this to set the context for our next conversation. We forgot something at the car, so I went back for it. Then passing the same artisan (Hawaiian man), I made a choice: I decided I would mention that I occasionally have visions. I mentioned that I have some Native American blood in me and that I have the second sight. And if an area is very sacred, I will often have dreams or other metaphysical experiences around it.

Well he didn’t miss a beat. It was like I was speaking his language. He said, Waimea Valley is a portal. Many indigenous people come there to commune with mother nature. And many people have experiences there. In fact, he said the waterfall was very sacred and healing. He said to hold an intention in my heart as I walked up the valley, and to make certain I was clear about the question that I wanted to have answered. Try to stay mindful he said. But it sounded like being in the valley was like walking side-by-side with mother earth. He said that if she didn’t want you there, you would probably feel sick. He mentioned that some people are not able to make the entire walk up the valley to the falls because mother earth is kicking them out.

So that happened! I was pleasantly surprised and yet not. I held an intention in mind, I had one or two questions I wanted deeper answers to, and I shared this with my wife, who thankfully is very open to these kinds of things.

And sure enough, the waterfalls definitely felt pretty special. The water was cold – really cold! But being under the falls and then being pulled away from them by the current was wild and so worth it.

If you are on Oahu, you should visit Waimea Falls. Just do so with a sense of reverence and humility. It is sacred ground that you are treading on! Who knows though, you might get that answer you have been seeking for months.

Thanks for reading,

Kirby Moore

Published by Kirby Moore

Kirby Moore is a healing facilitator based in the beautiful rolling hills of Charlottesville, Virginia. He does sessions in-person and long distance via Skype and Zoom, working with Spiritual Astrology, Somatic Experiencing, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Birth Process Work. His healing work is informed by fifteen years of meditation and Qigong practice. He works with client's intentions and deepest longings to attain clear, tangible results. Contact him for more info at (email): kirby [at] mkirbymoore [dot] com

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